Tracker Video Analysis Download Mac

Computer Program Detail Page

written by Douglas Brown
Available Languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Danish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Czech, Arabic, Finnish, Korean, Swedish, Hungarian, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Slovak, Thai, Malay, Polish, Turkish
The Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool allows students to model and analyze the motion of objects in videos. By overlaying simple dynamical models directly onto videos, students may see how well a model matches the real world. Interference patterns and spectra can also be analyzed with Tracker.
Tracker 5.1.5 installers are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux and include a Java runtime and Xuggle video engine.
  • Tracker 5.1.5 Mac OS X Installer - Instructions
  • Tracker 5.1.5 Linux 32-bit Installer - Instructions
  • Tracker 5.1.5 Linux 64-bit Installer - Instructions
Tracker is an Open Source Physics tool built on the OSP code library. Additional Tracker resources, demonstration experiments, and videos, can be found by searching ComPADRE for 'Tracker.'
Additional Tracker resources including Tracker help and sample videos are available from the Tracker home page (link below).
SubjectsLevelsResource Types
Education Practices
- Curriculum Development
- Instructional Material Design
General Physics
- General
- Lower Undergraduate
- Upper Undergraduate
- Instructional Material
- Tool
- Audio/Visual
Intended UsersFormatsRatings
- Learners
- application/java
  • Currently 4.8/5

Rated 4.8 stars by 12 people

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Primary Details

Access Rights:
Free access
This material is released under a GNU General Public License Version 3 license.
Rights Holder:
Douglas Brown
force, interference, kinematics, mechanics, modeling, motion, oscillation, osp, spectra, spectroscopy, video analysis
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created June 4, 2008 by Anne Cox
Record Updated:
September 18, 2020 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
April 11, 2020
Other Collections:

User comments (9)

Citation Formats

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Record Link
<a href=''>Brown, Douglas. 'Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool.' Version 5.1.4.</a>
AIP Format
D. Brown, Computer Program TRACKER VIDEO ANALYSIS AND MODELING TOOL, Version 5.1.4 (2020), WWW Document, (
D. Brown, Computer Program TRACKER VIDEO ANALYSIS AND MODELING TOOL, Version 5.1.4 (2020), <>.
APA Format
Brown, D. (2020). Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool (Version 5.1.4) [Computer software]. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from
Chicago Format
Brown, Douglas. 'Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool.' Version 5.1.4. (accessed 8 October 2020).
MLA Format
Brown, Douglas. Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool. Vers. 5.1.4. Computer software. 2020. 8 Oct. 2020 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@misc{ Author = 'Douglas Brown', Title = {Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool}, Month = {April}, Year = {2020} }
Refer Export Format

%A Douglas Brown
%T Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool
%D April 11, 2020
%O 5.1.4
%O application/java

EndNote Export Format

%0 Computer Program
%A Brown, Douglas
%D April 11, 2020
%T Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool
%7 5.1.4
%8 April 11, 2020

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Related Materials (20)

Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool:

Is the Basis ForTracker Video Analysis Demo Package

The Tracker Demo Package was created by the Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool.

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Is the Basis ForOSP User's Guide Chapter 16: Tracker

OSP User's Guide Chapter 16: Tracker is based in the Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool.

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Is the Basis ForTracker Video Analysis: Air Resistance

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Is Referenced ByVideo Modeling: Combining Dynamic Model Simulations with Traditional Video Analysis

This article describes how Tracker is used to overlay dynamical models on the the video.

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Is Referenced ByInnovative Uses of Video Analysis

The paper Innovative Uses of Video Analysis describes Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool.

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Video Analysis is a useful application that will enable you to quickly add a movie file and have it thoroughly analyzed. The goal of this utility is to extract information in order to make it. Click the Openbutton or File Open File menu item and select a digital video (mov, avi, mp4, flv, wmv, etc.), tracker data file (.trk), or zipped tracker file (.zip) to open. You can also open still and animated image files (.jpg.gif.png), numbered sequences of image files, and images pasted from the clipboard. 6+ Best Video Analysis Software Download Reviews. The technology has advanced to such an extent that now it can be used even in sports field. Video analysis software is one such amazing technology that helps the athletes to see how their training and practices can help them in their career growth. Video Analysis software for Mac is a user. Video Physics is intended for use in science education. The video analysis done in Video Physics provides a useful technique for studying two-dimensional kinematics. You can do even more with Vernier's Graphical Analysis app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch or with Logger Pro software for Mac OS X.

You never take only one run in science. You take multiple runs and calculate averages. Next, you vary a parameter while holding the other constant; again,taking more runs and calculating averages. Most software data tables don't actually allow this to be done easily.

The Capstone Trials Table was created for how data is collected in the science lab and allows for the kind of analysis students need to perform.

  • Organize your data to easily define physical relationships
  • Track variables
  • Average runs
  • Plot derived values

Using the simple pendulum lab as an example, students will time a simple pendulum under various conditions. They will vary the mass, length, and startingangle. The Capstone Trials Table allows you to vary and keep track of experimental parameters between trials and runs taken in each trial. You can alsokeep track of statistics for averaged runs and experimental error.

Real-world Science

Scientists always take multiple runs and calculate averages. Next, they vary a parameter while holding the others constant; again, taking more runs and calculating averages.Most software data tables don’t support this and require data export and processing… until Capstone 2.

Postgres database download for mac. The Capstone Trials Table was created to reflect how data is collected in science labs. It supports the analysis students need to develop critical thinkingskills and interpret the data.

With Capstone students can:

  • Organize data to easily define variable relationships
  • Track multiple variables
  • Average runs within a trial group
  • Plot derived values (such as an average of runs vs. a group parameter)

Motion Analysis Software

For example, in the Simple Pendulum lab, students time a pendulum under different conditions by varying the mass, length, and starting angle. The CapstoneTrials Table allows you to manipulate variables and track experimental data between trials and runs. You can also keep track of statistics for averaged runsand experimental error.

Graph Pop-Up Tools

Now, whenever tools are activated, the most common actions will be easily accessible on the graph. The pop-up tools allow for easy access totool features and options.

Circuits Emulation

Reinforce circuit concepts and tackle student misconceptions using circuit visualization. Combine real-world circuits with simulations, animation, and live measurements.Drag components from the components list, then rotate them and connect pieces together by drawing wires.

With the Circuits Emulation tool in Capstone 2, you can:

  • Construct and modify circuits
  • Show conventional current and electron flow animation
  • Animate circuits with live sensor data

Tracker Video Analysis Download Mac Os

Tracker Video Analysis Download Mac

Tracker Video Analysis Download Mac Download

Drag components out from the components list. Rotate components and connect pieces together by drawing wires.